2025 Tryouts. Join the program!
Please complete this form before your son’s tryout:
If you have any questions, please contact us.
Some key statistics about our program:
- 5 time AABC State Champions
- 17 IHSA State Champ Players
- Over 30 IHSA All-Conference Players
- 29 Alumni = Current College Players
- 50+ years of combined coaching experience
Tryout Evaluation Criteria
What you need for tryouts:
- All players must be dressed in proper baseball attire with a hat.
- Players should bring both gym shoes and cleats to all workouts.
- Players should wear some type of shirt or jersey with a number on it.
- Tryouts should last about 1 hour.
- Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your start time.
- Any and all questions email Coach Bob Ugel at ugel@renegadesbaseball.com.
- Catchers: If you have gear, please bring it with you.
- Tryout Evaluation Criteria
Contact Us if you have any questions.