I understand the difference between success and excellence. Success is a judgment of achievement or accomplishment measured by others or by quantitative factors. Excellence is a personal valuation of my efforts in pursuit of my goals.

My commitment to excellence exceeds the playing field. It involves, not just my desire to improve my baseball skills, but more importantly, it encompasses my quest to strengthen my character through sport. My commitment to excellence is a commitment to:

  1. Develop critical decision-making skills that will help me understand and consider my options before making a choice.
  2. Accept responsibility for my actions.
  3. Understand and respect the needs, opinions, and goals of my teammates.
  4. Encourage my teammates to pursue excellence.
  5. Support and be loyal to the team, even when at the cost of my personal glory or good.
  6. Persevere when faced with great challenges.
  7. Foster the self-discipline, sacrifice, and preparation required to turn great challenges into great opportunities.

I understand that the accomplishment is not to win, but to commit myself to the effort necessary to win.